Booster Club
The mission of the South Dade Quarterback Club is to provide financial support for the Buc’s football program and coaching staff.
Message from the Officers:
Welcome to the Buc’s Football Booster Club’s web site. The South Dade Quarterback Club Officers are excited about South Dade’s new football season! We have a great group of young athletes and a dedicated coaching staff that deserve our support. They are enthusiastic, hard working, and dedicated individuals who will learn and grow together not only as a team, but also as a family. In addition to promoting school spirit, the Booster Club provides financial support so the Buc’s football program and coaching staff will have the equipment resources they need!
Toward this effort, we invite all of you to join the South Dade Quarterback Club. Regardless of your student’s classification (freshman on up), we think that you will find your participation useful to the booster club as well as a rewarding experience. We have a lot of work and fun ahead of us. There is definitely something for every parent to contribute!
During football season, we will meet the first Monday of every month at 6:30 pm in the school cafeteria. Please join us– our young athletes need and deserve our support!
Complete contact information is located on our Contact page.
CONTACT INFORMATIONSouth Dade Quarterback ClubPO Box 901058Homestead, Fl 33039Email: