All applications must be completed on-line. A nominee submits five packets of the Entry Form – a final printout of the application that has been submitted online plus four photocopies. Attach to each of the four Entry Forms a photocopied set of the Support Documents and headshot photo. Support Documents can include numerous one-paragraph summaries that inform judges about a debate tournament, a math competition, an art exhibit, a youth symphony, etc. These are limited to 12 pages printed on one side. Do not submit original award certificates; please keep your awards and make photocopies.
Support Documents must include a letter of recommendation with specific information about the nominee’s community service having the most impact, as described in the Major Project portion of the Entry form. Additional letters of recommendation are excellent Support Documents. Please note that the Faculty Recommendation that is required as part of the entry form is not included in the 12 pages of supporting documentation. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
How to apply ON-LINE
Coordinators will be provided a user name. In most cases it will be your first initial and last name. Example: Kathy Jones user name: kjones
1. Log on to
2. Enter your username
3. Check that the information we have for you and your school is accurate. If there is an error, please email us immediately at
4. To submit your nominees click on ‘Add New Nominee’
5. Fill out each field to complete the profile for each of your
nominees. ALL FIELDS MUST BE COMPLETE. NO BLANKS. Enter N/A if not applicable.
6. Once you have completed all fields, click on ‘Submit’. You will
then be redirected to your main ‘Coordinator’ page and will be able to view your full nominee list. You can continue to update your nominees throughout the application process.
7. Once entered by Coordinators, Nominees can log in and begin to work on their applications. Log on to
8. Nominee should logon with the nominee passcode you created on-line. Then click on EDIT ENTRY FORM or ADD YOUR PHOTO to work on the application.
9. Remember to instruct your nominees to SAVE their applications. At the very bottom on the application click the tab CLICK HERE TO SAVE
10. Once the Nominee has completed the on-line application and all entries are complete, please note to save entry. All fields must be completed. No blanks. Enter N/A when fields are not applicable to assure you can submit the nominees application. Only the Coordinator can submit the application. Click SUBMIT FORM. Upon clicking yes to the two warning prompts, the application will be LOCKED and STAMPED
FINAL VERSION with the date and time. Applications will not be accepted without being LOCKED and STAMPED FINAL VERSION.
Documenting Community Service
Every nominee’s list of community service outside the school must include the months and the number of hours devoted to that service.
For example:
- Tutor – Miramar Elementary – Sep 07 – Dec 07 (21 hours)
- Volunteer – Memorial Hospital – Jun 07 – Aug 07 (18 hours)
Extracurricular activities in the school do not require a time frame or number of times involved because these are usually listed under Achievements rather than Service.
Examples include: newspaper or yearbook editor, student government or class officer, choral and instrumental music, cheerleading, drill team, debate, theater and athletics. However, if a band ensemble performed at a nursing home after school hours, that would be service outside the school. If a nominee performed in the school’s spring concert, no accounting is necessary.
There are two exceptions where service in the school must show the months and number of hours served: – All tutoring service – Major in-school projects, such as a United Way drive, health fair, forums on teen issues.
Certification Form
The Nominee, Parent/Guardian, Coordinator and Principal must certify the statements by signing the Certification Form, which is part of the application.
Photo Requirements
The color photograph, submitted both electronically and original hard copy photo to be attached by a paper clip to the original Entry Form, must be a 2 x 3 inch, head-shoulders photo, no other formats will be accepted. All others will be rejected and student photo will not be placed in ceremony program book.
Photographs must be submitted in a jpeg format and with a required 300 dpi. It is required when submitting your photograph, to save file under CATEGORY CODE, LAST NAME, FIRST NAME
Example: ART Cook Katie.jpg USE THE FOLLOWING CODES:
- ART – Art
- ATH – Athletics
- BUS – Business
- DRA – Drama
- ENG – English and Literature
- FOR – Foreign Language
- GEN – General Scholarship
- JOU – Journalism
- MAT – Mathematics
- MUS – Music
- NEW – New Media
- SCI – Science
- SOC – Social Science
- SPE – Speech
- VOC – Vocational-Technical
Original photos: (The nominee’s name, school and category must be printed on the back of the color photo. Before making photocopies of page 1 of the Entry Form, it is best to lay the color photo in the upper right corner.
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