The Educational Excellence School Advisory Council (EESAC) is the sole body responsible for final decision making at the school relating to the implementation of the components of the School Performance Excellence Plan. The EESAC’s function is to bring together all stakeholders and involve them in an authentic role in decisions which affect instruction and the delivery of programs.

Educational Excellence School Advisory Council
School Name: South Dade Senior High School
Location: #7701 South Regional Center

The bylaws for this school were last modified on Mar. 21, 2006.

The bylaws are as follows:

The purpose of the South Dade High School Educational Excellence School Advisory Council is to be the sole body responsible for final decision making at South Dade Senior High School related to the implementation of school improvement and accountability. One of the ways the Council will do this is by preparing and evaluating the school improvement plan as required by Section 1001.42, FS, Implement School Improvement and Education Accountability.
In order to accomplish our charge, South Dade Senior High EESAC will:

  • Help develop the school’s mission and vision;
  • Examine all aspects of the school when developing the School Improvement Plan;
  • Determine the school’s needs and prioritize them;
  • Recommend strategies to improve areas of importance;
  • Decide how to measure results; and
  • Assist in the preparation and evaluation of the School Improvement Plan.

As a public body, South Dade Senior High EESAC shall comply with Florida’s Government in the Sunshine Law.

1. Composition

The South Dade Educational Excellence School Advisory Committee shall consist of 5 teachers, 5 parents, 2 students, 1 educational support employee, 2 business/community representatives, the UTD steward and the principal or an assistant principal. With the exception of the principal and the business/community representatives, all other members shall be elected by their constituent groups. In addition, the EESAC will add enough members who do not work at the school so that the non-school employees from the majority.
Teachers, parents, students, and educational support employees shall also elect alternate representatives. The Council will be representative of the ethnic, racial, linguistic, disabled, and economic community served by South Dade Senior High School.

2. Eligibility

All teachers, student service personnel, and the media specialist employed by the school are eligible to be elected as teacher representatives to the Council. All other persons employed by the school, including paraprofessionals, and those who are not defined as instructional or administrative personnel and whose duties require 20 or more hours in each normal working week are eligible to be elected as the educational support employee representative. All parents, guardians, or other significant others responsible for a child enrolled at South Dade High School are eligible to be elected as parent representatives, with the exception of those parents who are also employed by South Dade High School.

3. Terms of Office

The term of office shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30 (September or October). Terms for parents, students, and educational support personnel shall be for one year. Terms for teachers should be elected for the three year period that corresponds to the teacher contract. Any changes regarding terms of office shall be decided prior to the next election. (We need to have election for parents before the term ends.)

4. Responsibilities

Council members are expected to:
a. attend all regular and special meetings
b. communicate with constituents to collects data and opinions for decision making
c. report to constituents the actions taken by the Council
d. consider the needs of all the students when making decisions e. Advise the principal in the development of the school’s budget.
5. Unexcused Absences – Any member who has two consecutive unexcused absences from council meetings shall be considered to have resigned. The member shall be replaced following election selection procedures as stated in these bylaws.


1. General Considerations

The School shall give proper notice of the election of council members in accordance with Florida’s Government in the Sunshine Law. The school shall also make its best effort to hold elections for reach constituent group during hours that are convenient for each constituent group. All groups shall receive adequate information prior to and during elections so that they understand the role of EESAC and the responsibilities of an EESAC member, as well as the qualifications of the candidates for whom they may vote.

2. Election of Teachers

The election shall be conducted during a regularly scheduled faculty meeting conducted by the UTD Steward in cooperation with the EESAC chair. Nominations can be made from the floor or in writing. A minimum of five teachers should be nominated. Voting can be conducted by show of hands or using written ballots. The five teachers who receive the most votes become members of the Council. If only five teachers are nominated, the person conducting the election can receive a motion to approve by acclamation. This can be voted on by show of hands or using written ballots.
All full-time and part-time teachers, counselors, media specialists, and permanent substitutes shall have the opportunity to vote at a previously announced faculty meeting for their representative.

3. Election of Parents

The election shall be conducted during a regularly scheduled PTSA meeting. Nominations can be made from the floor or in writing. A minimum of five parents should be nominated. Voting can be conducted by show of hands or using written ballots. The five parents who receive the most votes become members of the Council. If only five parents are nominated, the person conducting the election can receive a motion to approve by acclamation. This can be voted on by show of hands or using written ballots. In the event the PTSA is not meeting, the election of parents shall be held at the open house scheduled during the first two months of the school year.

4. Election of Students

The student members of the Council shall be representatives of the Junior or Sophomore classes. The election shall be conducted during the first regularly scheduled meeting of the Junior and Sophomore Boards. Nominations can be made from the floor or in writing. Voting can be conducted by show of hands or using written ballots. The student who received the most votes becomes a member of the Council. If one class fails to elect a representative, a second member will be selected from the other class.

5. Election of Education Support Employees

Nomination forms shall be distributed to all support employees, once nominations have been received, ballots shall be distributed to all support employees. When the ballots are returned, the votes will be counted and the person who received the most votes will become the education support employee representative. The person who receives the second greatest number of votes will be the alternate. If there is not a second nominee, the person who is chosen to be the representative can seek a volunteer to fill the alternate’s position. The Principal and Chairperson shall conduct this nomination and election process. All educational support personnel, including all non instructional and non administrative personnel who work at least 20 hours per week must have an opportunity to vote for their representatives at a previously announced meeting.

6. Filling Vacancies

If a member of the Council leaves before his/her term has expired, the alternate member elected to that position shall fulfill the remainder of the term. If no alternatives are available, a new election shall be held to fill vacancies during the school year.
7. The principal shall appoint business/community representatives and should use this opportunity to balance the ethnic/racial composition of the EESAC.
8. Election of the Chairperson

a. At the first scheduled Council meeting of the new term, the members shall nominate one of the elected members of the Council to be the chairperson. Nominations can be made from the floor or in writing. Voting can be conducted by show of hands or using written ballots. The member who receives the most votes becomes the chairperson of the Council.
b. The chair and other officers must be elected from among the members; voting members as well a alternatives are eligible to serve in an officer position.
c. A member of the EESAC may be elected to serve as the recording secretary or a clerical person may be assigned by the principal to this responsibility. Another process may be followed if agreed to by the membership of the EESAC. If the EESAC chooses to elect the secretary, the members shall nominate one of the elected members of the council to be secretary. Nominations can be made from the floor or in writing. Voting can be conducted by a show of hands or using written ballots. The member who receives the most votes becomes the secretary of the council.


1. Regular Meetings

a. The regular meeting schedule of the Council shall be determined on the first official meeting of the school year. Meetings will be one hour in duration. Agreement to extend meetings beyond one hour must be reached by consensus.
b. Meetings will be held at a time that is convenient for teachers, parents, students, and community representatives
c. All meetings shall be open to the public and shall not be held in any facility or location which discriminates on basis of sex, age, race, creed, color, origin, or economic status or which operates in such a manner as to unreasonably restrict access to such a facility.

2. Special Meetings

In the event a special meeting is needed, the principal, chair, or any two or more Council members may call a meeting.

3. Cancellation

The Council may cancel a regular Council meeting


1. A majority of the voting members of the EESAC shall constitute a quorum; a quorum must be present before a vote can be taken.


1. The chair shall prepare and distribute the agenda for all the regular and special meetings three days before the meeting.

2. Adding to the Agenda

a. Council members may add items to any regular meeting agenda by contacting the chair at least 1 day in advance.
b. Non-Council members may propose an agenda item by contacting a Council member.
c. The agenda may be amended at the meeting by consensus.
3. Notice to Members: EESAC members will receive three days written notice of any item about which they will be asked to vote.

The primary method of decision making shall be by consensus.


1. Minutes will be kept as a permanent public record for all meetings, recording the date and location, members present and actions taken. Additionally, the minutes shall be approved at the next regular meeting of the Council. A copy of the minutes of every meeting will be provided electronically to the district.


1. Participation of Non-Council Members

Those who are in attendance at the Council meetings shall be provided an opportunity to discuss issues under consideration. Non-Council members have no official status during the process of reaching a consensus. Non-Council members may add items to the official agenda by submitting their request to the principal or the chairperson of the Council.

2. Decisions Requiring a Vote

Any decisions requiring a contract waiver, change in a state statute, or change in a school board policy or rule shall require, a vote of the persons upon whom the change impacts contractually. A two-thirds vote will be required for approval.


Committees may be formed at the discretion of the Council. Temporary committees may be formed to conduct specific business or inquiries. Participation on these committees is voluntary. The Committees are expected to report back to the Council at the earliest available opportunity.


These by-laws may be amended at any regular meeting by a 2/3 vote of the EESAC membership provided that at least five working days written notice of the proposed change has been given to all members of the council. Amendments or changes must be submitted in writing to the chairperson. The chairperson will place the discussion of the amendment on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled meeting and provide written copies of the amendment for all members.